15 .5 tonnes of Organic Prime Beef to clear Usual price €520/tonne 10% discount applying now so price €468 Can...
15 .5 tonnes of Organic Prime Beef to clear Usual price €520/tonne 10% discount applying now so price €468 Can...
Bird boxes and Bat Boxes for sale. Suitable for GLAS. €10 per Box. Contact Siobhán: 0879233929
Galloway Beef (Vacuum Packed) from Organic Farm Galloways of Lecarrow, Spencer Harbour, Drumkeeran, County Leitrim. 0719648960, 0862698243 gallowaysoflecarrow@gmail.com www.facebook.com/pages/Galloways-of-Lecarrow/332273846905639
For sale, suitable for GLAS. 15 Bat boxes & 15 Bird boxes for €300 + 6 Bee boxes included. Galway:...
Galloways of Lecarrow has all type of full organic pure breed black Galloway cattle for sale. Galloways of Lecarrow...